friendship ended with Facebook now Twitch is my best friend!
I finally deactivated my Facebook bc tbh I was only using it for like one private group, and just told the 3 people I like in that group to please DM me any drama that happens so I don’t have to keep looking for it. if ur a Facebook friend, I am not dead! I am just tired of Facebook nonsense! but anyway, here is a nice opportunity to give u all a list of the public social tools that I do use in case you want to follow/connect:
resource roundup!
if you’re the kind of person who hoards tutorials but struggles to get an original project out the door, this article by Bennett Dungan gives some nice guidance on how to put those tutorials to good use! I also think it’s cute that the author shares his writing music at the end of the article – it’s always nice to find some new jams for working.
the alpha release of Adafruit CLUE is out and wow it looks chill! it’s about the same size as a micro:bit but with tons of built-in sensors and a cute lil color display. you can check out all the details here.
rough.js is a cute lil graphics library I came across while working on a personal project this weekend. it basically lets you do sketchy, hand-drawn-like graphics with Canvas or SVG. it looks like it would be especially cute for giving some data vis a little extra personality.
p5.js 1.0 is finally released! the library has been majorly overhauled and documented in preparation, so now’s a great time to dig in on this tool. check out all the amazing work from the community here, and get excited to make something new! I am gonna try and make some time for p5.js this weekend tbh for the Lux Jam (see below).
Lana Lux (see: last week’s newsletter) is hosting a game jam this weekend, March 6 – 8. barring total chaos, I’m hoping to dip in on this one and make at least a lil web based experience to submit (while streaming the process). looks like it will be cute! you can sign up here. let’s all raid a game jam and make weird art games together!
arebyte has an open call for young artists (under 28) based in the UK (tho outside of London):
To apply to hotel generation 2020, each applicant must submit an initial proposal conceived around systems, arebyte’s theme for its 2020 programme of exhibitions.
you can learn more and apply here by April 16.
VR Arles Festival is seeking submissions for the 2020 edition of the festival that meet their 3 curation themes:
. sensitive and critical exploration of technologies for creating photorealistic three-dimensional images, such as point cloud, three-dimensional scanning, photogrammetry and real-time CGI,
. a work on immersive presentations that involve the body of the participants and develop multiple access for the public (multi-user works, projection and installations),
. artistic intentions around subjects of contemporary culture, such as the climate crisis, the representation of diversity, social conflicts or gender issues.
you can learn more and apply here by April 15.
applications are also open for VRHAM! in Hamburg, Germany. there are opportunities for both residencies (submit a project to be supported and developed) and the VRHAM! Academy (apply for free entrance to the festival program as well as networking events and guided tours). you can learn more and apply here by April 12.
Control Shift is a new arts program coming to Bristol in June 2020 exploring creative and critical approaches to technology. they’re seeking artworks, workshops, and provocations. you can learn more and apply by March 15 here.
the “Geographies of AI” program is inviting residency applications from artists and researchers who wish to engage in an artistic ethnography on forms of AI and their impact on subjectivity, bodies, time and urban space. they’re looking for proposals that question the boundaries between data science, urban design and art and propose new ways of existing within algo-mediated environments. you can learn more and apply by TODAY here.
the California State Arts Council recently released a new grant opportunity, Innovations & Intersections, which includes a category for Arts & Technology. applicants must either be a California-based nonprofit arts organization, arts-based unit of municipal or county government, or tribal government. applications are due by April 14! learn more here.
📅 upcoming events!
Tech Learning Collective have launched a number of remote workshops for March, including topics like Network Operations for Autonomous Communities, System Administration and Operation Basics, and Command Line Basics. check out the full roster here and sign up ASAP as these are all limited to 15 students!
Tues Mar 3! New York, NY: Living Room Light Exchange is back for it’s seventh season, starting tomorrow night with guests Brian Foo, Marcie Lacerte, and Alfredo Salazar-Caro. subscribe to the newsletter here to stay up-to-date on upcoming events.
Fri Mar 6! UCL Roberts Building! London, UK: UCL MAL is hosting a panel discussion on an anthropological approach to understanding computer vision, simulation, and digital curation techniques as crucial forces that delineate aesthetic value and truth in the post-digital era. learn more and RSVP here.
Mar 19-20! LIMA Amsterdam! Amsterdam, Netherlands: Transformation Digital Art 2020 aims to show and discuss excising and new strategies for the documentation, transmission, and preservation of digital art for and by artists, curators and conservators. you can learn more and register here.
also Mar 19-21! Barcelona, Spain: IAM Weekend 2020 is a call for organizations, designers, and citizens shaping and participating in the digital economy. looks like an interesting lineup with some great workshop titles (ex., “Internet Death Support Tools,” “Make Data Small Again,” “Unleadership,” etc. ). you can learn more and register here.
Mar 27-29! Gray Area! San Francisco, CA USA: Algorithmic Art Assembly is back for a second year! this 2-day conference and music festival will showcase diverse artists using algorithmic tools and processes in their work. early bird passes are on sale now – you can learn more and get tix here.
just for lulz!
are u excited for the new Animal Crossing??? this lil web-sperience by Journie Ma-Johnson will match u with your villager birthday twin.
also, idk, here’s a photo of Brian Blessed dressed up as a cat while hanging with 4 actual cats think about THAT all day. ur inbox is now literally blessed!!
if you have anything in the works that you are excited about (an event, a workshop, a new project), please send me all the details. the next newsletter will cover the week of March 9 – 15, but I’m happy to promote events further in the future as well and keep them on the calendar.
also re: the residency! I have had a lot going on personally, and have set aside reviewing submissions and publishing residencies as my White Page Gallery until the end of this month. I hope you all understand! I want to do a good job with supporting the work, and just have been drained and need to recollect my focus. stay tuned! and if you have a project to submit, please feel free to continue to send things my way.